Industrial Traininig program with Live Project
BCA/MCA/MSc Computers and B.Tech/M.Tech Industrial Training with Project in Java, .Net and PHP Languages.
Mylogics Softwares is the leading Brand in the field of IT and Corporate Training in Kota Rajasthan. This MCA/BE project training is a golden chance for any individual seeking for a good start in the IT Industry.
Mylogics Softwares imparts qualitative training in Java, J2ee, .Net, PHP and other advance technologies. The training is designed for the students who want to speed up their technical skills and proficiencies into real time development environment.
This Java training course is intended for students without an extensive programming background. It covers most Java syntax elements, concentrating on fundamental and universally useful elements, while providing an overview of many more advanced elements. Students will learn to write useful Java classes, applying Object-Oriented concepts such as inheritance, and create Java programs that work with these classes.
If you have a lot of object-oriented programming experience in a language such as C# or C++, you may want to consider our Java Programming Training for Experienced Programmers class instead.
- Introduction to Java
- Programming language Types and Paradigms
- Why Java ?
- Flavors of Java.
- Role of Java Programmer in Industry
- Features of Java Language
- JVM-The heart of Java
- Java's Magic Bytecode
- Java Buzz Words: JVM, JRE, JDK
- Language Fundamentals
- Installing Java on Windows, Linux, Solaris
- Java Program Development
- Java Source File Structure
- Compilation & Execution
- Data Types, Variables
- Tokens, Identifiers & Keywords in Java
- Operators
- Flow Control Statements
- Java Classes & OOP Implementation
- Class Fundamentals
- Object & Object Reference
- Commond Line Arguments
- Static Variables & Methods
- Creating & Operating Objects
- Constructor & Initialization Block
- Use of new & this keywords
- Wrapper Classes
- Boxing & Unboxing
- Access Modifiers : Public, Private, Protected, Package
- Method Overloading & Overriding
- Nested & Inner Classes
- Abstract Classes
- Garbage Collection
- Packages & Intefaces
- Defining Package
- Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages
- Package as Access Protection
- CLASSPATH Setting for Packages
- Importing Packages
- Defining & Implementing an Interfaces
- Benifits of using Interfaces
- Abstract Classes v/s Interfaces
- Making JAR Files for Library Packages
- Adapter Classes
- Extending Classes and Inheritence
- Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOPs
- Types of Inheritance in Java
- Inheriting Data Members and Methodss
- Role of Constructors in inheritance
- Overriding Super Class Methods
- Use of "super"
- Polymorphism in inheritance
- Type Compatibility and Conversion
- Exception Handling
- The Idea behind Exception
- Exceptions & Errors
- Types of Exception
- Control Flow In Exceptions
- Exception Handlers
- Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling
- Nested try Statements
- In-built and User Defined Exceptions
- Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
- Assertions
- Arrays & Strings
- Defining an Array
- Initializing & Accessing Array
- Multi-Dimensional Array
- Operation on String
- Mutable & Immutable String
- Using Collection Bases Loop for String
- Creating Strings using StringBuffer
- Multi Threading
- Understanding Threads
- Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming
- Thread Life-Cycle
- Thread Priorities
- Creating a Thread
- Implementing Runnable
- Synchronizing Threads
- Inter Communication of Threads
- Critical Factor in Thread -DeadLock
- I/O Operations in Java
- Streams and the new I/O Capabilities
- Understanding Streams
- The Classes for Input and Output
- The Standard Streams
- Scanners
- Working with File Object
- File I/O Basics
- Reading and Writing to Files
- Buffer and Buffer Management
- Serializing Objects
- Collection Framework
- Collections of Objects
- Collection Types: List, Set, Map
- Iterator Interface
- Understanding Hashing
- ArrayList & Vector
- Operations on Collection
- Java GUI Programming
- Introduction to JFC
- Basics of Components
- Using Containers
- Swing Controls (JButton, JList, JCheckBox etc.)
- Layout Managers
- Creating GUI Using NetBeans IDE
- Event Handling
- Event-Driven Programming in Java
- Event-Handling Process
- The Delegation Model of Event Handling
- Event Classes
- Event Sources
- Event Listeners
- Event Types & Classes
- Event Programming using NetBeans IDE
- Applet
- Applet & Application
- Applet Architecture
- Parameters to Applet
- Embedding Applets in Web page
- Applet Security Policies
- System Properties & Internationalization
- Usage of property file
- Define the Locale
- Resource Bundle
- Fetching text from Resource Bundle
- Network Programming in Java
- Networking Basics
- Client-Server Architecture
- Socket Overview
- Networking Classes and Interfaces
- URL, Internet Connection
- Network Protocols
- Developing Networking Applications in Java
- DataBase Programming Using JDBC
- Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC Drivers & Architecture
- Making Connection to a Data Source
- Statements & Prepared Statements
- ResultSet
- JDBC-ODBC Bridge
- Connection to any database through JDBC
- Processing Results
- Collection Framework
- Collections of Objects
- Collection Types: List, Set, Map
- Iterator Interface
- Understanding Hashing
- ArrayList & Vector
- Operations on Collection
- DataBase Programming Using JDBC
- Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC Drivers & Architecture
- Making Connection to a Data Source
- Statements & Prepared Statements
- ResultSet
- JDBC-ODBC Bridge
- Connection to any database through JDBC
- Processing Results
- MySQL DataBase
- Install and Upgrade MySQL for the most common operating systems
- MySQL Architecture Overview
- Invoking MySQL in Command Line Environment
- MySQL Server start & shutdown process
- Defining a Database
- Creating Tables & Fields in MySQL
- Overview of Data Types in MySQL
- Introduction to SQL
- Executing DDL & DML Queries in MySQL Environment
- Database Normalization
- Introduction to Joins (Inner, left, right, etc.)
- Grouping & Aggregate Functions
- Sub Queries
- Commonly Used MySQL Functions (Date & Utility Functions)
- Triggers & Stored Procedures
- Working with JDBC-MySQL Environment
- Introduction to J2EE
- TIER Architecture
- Single Tier
- Two Tier
- Three Tier
- N Tier
- J2EE Components
- Business Components
- Web Components
- J2EE Containers
- Containers Types
- Containers Services
- J2EE Services
- Java Naming & Directory Interface
- Java Transaction Services
- Java Messaging Services
- Java Authentication & Authorization Services
- Introduction to XML
- Concept of XML
- Introduction to DTD and XML Schema
- Importance on web
- Introduction to DOM and SAX. How to choose DOM Vs SAX
- Parsing an XML file using DOM and SAX Java programs
- Java Servlets
- Introduction to Web Programming
- Introduction to servlet
- Servlet life cycle
- Developing and Deploying Servlets
- Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)
- Handling Request and Response
- Initializing a Servlet
- Processing Form Data
- Storing User data
- Servlet Chaining
- Session Tracking & Management
- Dealing with cookies
- Transferring Request
- Event Listener
- Creating war files
- Java Server Pages & JSTL
- Basic JSP Architecture
- Life Cycle of JSP (Translation, compilation)
- JSP Directive Tags
- JSP Scriptlet Tags
- JSP Action Tags
- Understanding JSP implicit variables and objects
- Java Beans, JSP Bean tags
- What is JSTL
- JSTL Expresssion Language
- Iteration Tags,Logical Tags
- Database Access Tags
- Writing Custom Tags
- Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- Distributed Applications
- RMI Architecture & Implementation
- Call-back Mechanism
- Enterprise Java Beans
- Java Persistence API
- Introduction & Architecture
- Types of EJB
- The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
- Session Beans
- Entity Beans
- Message Driven Beans & JMS
- Transactions
- Introduction
- ACID Properties
- Transaction requirements
- Container managed requirements
- Bean Managed requirements
- Distributed Requirements
- Java Mail
- Email System & Protocols
- Architecture
- Sending mails & Receiving mails
- Handling attachments
- Replying & Forwarding
- J2EE Design & Implementation
- Design Pattern Implementations
- Front Controller
- Composite View
- Session Facade
- Service Locator
- Data Access Object
- Value Object
- Utilities
- A Conceptual overview of Web Services
- Web Services Requirements
- Introduction to Advacned JavaScript & AJAX
- NeatBeans 6.9
- Apache Tomcat 6.0
- Glassfish Application Server
- Jasper Reports ( Java Reporting Technology)
- Introduction to Reporting
- Need of reporting in Business Intelligence Process
- What is Jasper Reports
- Fields, Parameters & Variables in Jasper Reports
- Jasper Compile Manager, Fill Manager, Jasper Viewer & Export Manager
- Understanding Structure of JRXML File
- Populating dynamic data in pre compiled reports
- Bands in a Jasper Report
- Using Expressions for calculations in reports
- Using Different Data Sources: Resultset, TableModel & BeanCollection
- Using i-Report for Designing Jasper Reports
- Generating Sub Reports
- Using images in reports
- How to generate graphs using Jasper Reports
- Integrating Reports with Web Application
- Exporting Reports in different formats: PDF, Excel, RTF, CSV etc.
- Dashboarding with Jasper Reports
- Strutus Framework
- What is Struts ?
- Strutus Architecture
- Strutus Classes: ActionForward,ActionForm,ActionServlet,Action Classes
- Understanding struts-config.xml
- Understanding Action Mappings
- Struts Tiles Framework
- Struts Validation Framework
- Internationalizing Struts Application
- Object Graph Navigation Language (OGNL)
- Struts with Message Resources
Microsoft .NET
This is for anyone who is starting at ground zero with .NET and wants to dive into the platform starting from scratch. It is designed for developers experienced in at least one other language. It starts with the basics of .NET and covers Microsoft Visual Studio, writing code in Visual Basic and C#, and how to build applications in various technologies on the platform such as Windows and for the web. If you are new to writing applications on Microsoft .NET, what better way to get a jump start!
Core .NET Concepts
- Introduction to .NET
- Usages of .net
- D.N.A. Architecture
- One Tier
- Two Tier
- Three Tier
- N Tier
- Common Language Runtime
- CLR architecture & services
- The .NET Intermediate Language(IL)
- Just-in-time (JIT) compilation and CLS
- Disassembling .NET applications to IL
- Strict type checking
- Syntax & Data Type
- Language Fundamental
- Data Type and Control Structure
- Value & Reference Data Type
- Declare and Initializing Value
- CTS Type
- Conditional Operator
- C# Type
- Looping Syntax
- Array
- Structure
- OOPs Concepts
- Classes
- Encapsulating attribute
- Defining Constructor
- Define Methods & their type
- Overloading methods and constructor
- Define property and their types
- Object creation
- Invoking property and methods
- Events and Delegate
- Understanding Delegates
- Types of delegates
- Simple delegates
- Delegate implementation anonymous method
- Multicast delegate
- Generic delegates
- Understand events
- System define events
- Events process cycle
- Event handlers
- User define events
- Creating and binding user events
- Inheritance
- Inheritance hierarchies
- Implementing Inheritance hierarchies
- Core concepts of constructor
- Method overloading, overriding and hiding concepts
- Abstract and seald class
- Exposing interface
- Interface polymorphism
- Play with Namespaces
- Class Access Modifiers
- Partial Class
- Collection
- Array List,Hash Table & Queue
- Stack Collection Interface
- lnumerable Interface
- Dictionary Entry structure
- Boxing V/S unBoxing
- Generics
- List & Dictionary
- Stack & Queue
- Name Value Collection
- File Handling
- The System.IO Namespace
- Stream Reader and Stream Write Class
- File and Directory Object & Path Object
- Reading and Writing a File
- MultiThreading
- Understand multithreading process
- The System.Threading namespace
- The Thread and Thread Start class
- Thread life cycle
- Thread Safety Concept
- Thread synchronization
- Understanding Thread Pool
- Understanding Role of Thread Background Worker Component
- Forms & Control
- Building Windows Form Application
- Programming Forms and Control
- Design Windows user Interfaces
- Constructing MDI Interface
- Implementing MDI Parent and Child Forms
- Implementing Menu Strip, Tool Strip, Status Strip, Rich Text box, Tool tip, Error Provider Etc.
- Creating Custom Control
- Exception Handling
- Introduction of Exception and there type
- Built in Exception Trap exception with Try. Catch. Finally
- Throw Keyword
- Customizes Message Assignment
- Custom Exception
- Serialization
- Understand object serialization
- Serialization formatters
- Binary formatters
- Soap formatter
- Xml serializar
- Assembly and development
- Role of .net assembly
- Building and consume a single file assembly
- Building and consume a multi file assembly
- Private assembly
- Shared assembly
- Creating multiple version of a single assembly
- Removing dll hell problem
- Reflection
- System Reflection namespace
- Core reflection classes
- Accessing assembly through reflection
- Method info
- Member info
- Property info
- Browsing and Querying members
- Invoking methods and property and runtime
- Reflection on shared assembly
- Remoting
- Introduction of remoting
- Remoting architecture and scenario
- Creating .net remoting object
- Hosting a remote object
- Activation type
- Creating channels
- Evaluation of ADO
- Difference between ADO and
- Providers
- Connected and disconnected architecture
- ADO.Net Architecture
- The Connection Object
- The Command Object
- The Data Reader Object
- The Data Adapter Objects
- Dataset
- Concurrency and the Disconnected Data Architecture
- When to Use the Dataset
- Creating Table in Dataset
- Data Column
- Data Row
- Data Table
- Tables Events
- Saving Data Set Changes with Command Builder
- Connection Object
- Understanding Connection Pooling
- Command Object
- Execute Non Query
- Execute Scalar
- Calling the stored procedure
- Data Reader
- Reading Data in Connected Mode
- Accessing Value
- Execute Reader Method
- Data View
- Row State Filter
- Sort property
- Update Records via Data View
- Insert Records via Data View
- Delete Records via Data View
- Creating Relation
- Public Properties of Data Relation
- Foreign Key Constraint
- Unique Constraint
- Defining a Primary Key
- Schema Type
- Missing Schema Action Members
- Introduction of Transaction (Acid)
- Transaction Class
- Method and Property
- Commit and Rollback
- Introduction to ASP.NET
- Need of web application
- Http Protocol
- Static and dynamic page
- Concept working of IIS and browser
- Differences between ASP and ASP.Net
- Introduction of HTML
- Creating a simple html page
- HTML Tags
- Hosting a html page
- IIS Virtual Directory
- Request transfer throws Get and Post Methods
- Server Pages using ASP.Net
- Creating server pages
- Understanding page life cycle
- Handling page requesting
- Http Request Object
- Http Response Object
- Understanding post back
- Auto event wireup
- Tracing and Debugging page
- State Management
- Introduction to stateless process
- Need of state persistence
- Types of state management
- Http cookies
- Cookies creation
- Cookies types
- Non persistence
- Persistence
- Third party
- Single value
- Multi value
- Scope of cookies & their merits
- Http Session
- Understanding the session
- Session cleanup & creation
- Session settings in web.config file
- In & Out process session management
- Session state using sql server
- Session state mode
- Session state using state service
- Http Application
- Understanding Application Life Cycle
- Application Cleanup & Creation
- Implementation & use of application object
- working with Global.asax
- Query String Method
- Implementation of query string
- Transfer value through query string
- Getting value of request object
- Scope
- State Management using post back URL
- Context header class
- Cross post back
- Post back URL
- Page Object
- Previous page process
- View State
- Undestanding view state
- Storing values in view state
- Retrieving values from view state
- Server Controls
- Standard Controls
- Validation Controls
- Data Bind Controls
- Repeater Control
- DataList Control
- GridView Control
- FormView Control
- DetailsView Control
- Navigation Control
- Site Map
- Tree View
- Menu Control
- Caching
- Introduction of caching
- Need of caching
- Types of caching
- Page output caching
- Declarative output caching
- Time duration and location setting
- Parameter Caching Settings
- Page fragment caching
- Custom caching control
- Time duration setting
- Parameter Caching Settings
- Caching with Http cache policy class
- Post cache substitutions & fragment caching
- Data caching
- Cache Object
- Managing data into cache
- Cache Property
- Cache Profiles
- Master Pages
- Introduction & Need of Master Pages
- Content Placeholders
- Content Pages
- Advantages of Master Pages
- Skin & Theme
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Scoping Themes
- Themes vs. Cascading Style Sheets
- Creating a Skin
- What Is XML
- XML Document Structure and Syntax System.XML Name Space
- XML Documentation, XMLreader, XML node, XML node list, XML writer Classes
- Reading and Writing a XML File
- Web Service
- Introducing XML Web Services
- ASP.NET Web Services
- Accessing Web Services
- Write a Simple Web Service
- Precompiled XML Web Services
- Consuming a XML Web Service
- From a Client Application
- XML Web Service Type Marshaling
- Use Data in XML Web Services
- Web Service Behavior
- Implementing security in web services
- Understanding SOAP & WSDL
- Understanding AJAX
- Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX Features
- Architecture of AJAX Features in ASP.NET
- Creating an ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web Site
- Understanding and Working with Update Panel
- Benefits of the Update Panel Control
- Update Progress
- Ajax Toolkit For ASP.NET
- Ajax Controls
- ScriptManager
- ScriptManagerProxy
- Timer
- Security
- Windows Authentication
- Form Authentication
- Passport Authentication
- Authorization
- Login control
- Administrative site
- Understanding Culture and UI Culture
- The Initialize Culture method
- Set the Culture and UI Culture for ASP.NET Web Page
Advanced .NET
- Understanding the role of linq
- Linq query expression
- Linq and non generic collection
- Linq and generic collection
- Linq to dataset
- Linq to sql
- Crystal report Overview
- Getting start with Crystal Report
- Creating Basic Report
- Working with Sub Report
- Integration with Windows Application
- Customizing Appearance and Layout of Report Viewer
- Creating XML Report Web Service
- Working with .Net Data
- Adding a Database or Table to a Report
- Working with Ado .Net
- Formulas and Logic
- Report Formatting
- Integration with Web Application
- Working With Crystal Report Engine
- Specialized Topics
- WPF(windows presentation foundation)
- WCF(windows communication foundation)
- WCS(windows card space)
- WWF(windows work flow foundation)
SQL Server Management Studio 2008
- The Foundation Statements of T-SQL
- Started with SELECT Statement
- Adding Data with the INSERT Statement
- Changing What You have Got with the
- UPDATE Statement
- The DELETE Statement
- Rules
- Defaults
- Determining Which Tables and Data types
- Use a Given Rule or Default
- Triggers for Data Integrity
- Choosing What to Use
- Adding more to your queries
- What is a Sub-Query?
- Building a Nested Sub-Query
- Correlated Sub-Queries
- How Correlated Sub-Queries Work
- Correlated Sub-Queries in the WHERE Clause
- Dealing with NULL Data
- Function Derived Tables
- The EXISTS Operator
- Using EXISTS in Other Ways
- Mixing Data types: CAST and CONVERT
- Understanding Indexes
- How Data Is Accessed in SQL Server
- Creating, Altering, and Dropping Indexes
- The CREATE INDEX Statement
- Views
- Simple Views
- Views as Filters
- More Complex Views
- Editing Views with T-SQL
- Dropping Views
- Stored Procedures
- Basic Syntax
- Changing Stored Procedures with ALTER
- Dropping Stored Procedures
- Handling Errors
- What Is a Trigger?
- Using Triggers for Data Integrity Rules
- Dealing with Requirements
- Sourced from Other Tables
- Using Triggers to Check the
- Delta of an Update
- Using Triggers for Custom Error Messages
- Other Common Uses for Triggers
- Other Trigger Issues
- Triggers Can Be Nested
- Triggers Can Be Recursive
- Dropping Triggers
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
- Note: List of Topics excluded from 4 months and 6 months training
- Core Dot Net Concepts
- Collection
- Generics
- File Handling
- MultiThreading
- Exception Handling
- Serialization
- Assembly and development
- Reflection
- Http Application
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
Mylogics Software bring you the comprehensive training program in PHP/MySQL.
The program is designed for those who are new to web development and also for thosewho already have their hands on it. This program will provide participants with theories, processes, tools, competencies & practice needed to become a web developer. This course has been
developed in collaboration with dozens of hiring companies Worldwide. More than 2000 companies in
India are on a hunt for the web developers.
SEO-Search Engine Optimization
This trainings aims at delivering Digital knowledge across borders. We are imparting Education at high volumes. We offer classroom training for students from Kota Rajasthan. Seo Training Course is Designed and taught by Professionals.
We offer a Live Project for Search Engine Optimization Training course. In the IT Industry the career opportunity for SEO jobs are brighter than any other field.
SEO Course Contents
Search Engine Optimization is a technique that is promoting the website on search engines and ensuring to get relevant traffic & site rankings in major search engines – Google, Yahoo & MSN.
Course Structure Includes:
Internet & Search Engine Basics (Module 1)
- What is Online Marketing?
- Importance of Internet Marketing
- Types of Internet Marketing Methods
- Basics of Search engines and Directory
- How the search engine works ?
- Google Search Engine Architecture
- Search Engine Algorithms
- Google Algorithm Updates
- Page Rank and Its Importance
- Understanding the SERP
- Using Search Operators
- Google Web Masters Tools
- Yahoo Site Explorer
On-page Optimization Activities (Module 3)
- Initial Site Analysis
- Competition Analysis
- Keyword Research
- Density Analysis and Placement
- Title & Meta Tags development
- Site Structure Analysis
- URL renaming/re-writing
- Content Development Check
- Brief Keyword Competition Review
- H1, H2, H3 Tags
- Anchor Text
- Existing Web Content Optimization
- HTML Validation
- Creation of XML / HTML / ROR / Text Sitemaps
- Submitting sites to Google and Yahoo Webmasters
- Canonical / 404 Implementation
Reports and Management (Module 5)
- Website Position Analysis
- Introducton to Google Analytics
- Installing Google Analytics
- Basics of Google Analytics
- Visitors Reports
- Geographic Reports
- Traffic Sources Reports
- Keywords Reports
- Goals and Conversions
- User Access and Reports Sharing
Keywords Research and Analysis (Module 2)
- Introduction to Keyword Research
- Business Analysis
- Types of Keywords
- Keyword Research Methodology
- Keywords Analysis Tools
- Adwords Tool / Wordtracker / Search Insights / Suggest
- Competition Analysis
- Finding the good keywords
- Localized Keywords Research
- Language Based Keywords
Off Page Optimization Activities (Module 4)
- Directory Submission
- Article submission
- Geo Listing and Local Listing, which includes Classified Submissions & Google Map Submissions.
- Press Release Submission
- Blog creation, weekly Postings and blog promotion
- Creating of Favicons
- Content editing & Content Rewriting
- Direct Link Exchange / Direct Link Building
- Press release news syndication
- RSS ( Really Simple Syndication)
- Local and regional search engine indexing
- Forum Posting
Live SEO Project
After the completion of the Course we provide Live SEO Project Exposure. For interested students we also provide Internship for 2 Months to get the Experience in SEO. Then we place student in reputed SEO Companies in India |
Social Media Optimization:
We teach How to Optimize Social media and use it in Favor of your Brand Building using Social Networks and Communities |
SEO Google Tools Activites
- Google Webmaster tool
- Google Local Business
- Google Analytics
- Google Adwords
- Google Adsense
- Google keyword tool
In this course, you'll examine object-oriented programming techniques, class libraries, exception handling, and templates to write C++ programs. After completing this tutorial, you'll be able to identify the benefits of using C++ and object-oriented programming techniques for application development.
Content Outline:
C++ Overview
C++ Characteristics
Object-Oriented Terminology
Object-Oriented Paradigm
Abstract Data Types
I/O Services
Standard Template Library
Standards Compliance
Functions and Variables
Functions: Declaration and Definition
Variables: Definition, Declaration, and Scope
Variables: Dynamic Creation and Derived Data
Arrays and Strings in C++
Classes in C++
Defining Classes in C++
Classes and Encapsulation
Member Functions
Instantiating and Using Classes
Using Constructors
Multiple Constructors and Initialization Lists
Using Destructors to Destroy Instances
Operator Overloading
Operator Overloading
Working with Overloaded Operator Methods
Initialization and Assignment
Initialization vs. Assignment
The Copy Constructor
Assigning Values
Specialized Constructors and Methods
Constant and Static Class Members
Storage Management
Memory Allocation
Dynamic Allocation: new and delete
Overview of Inheritance
Defining Base and Derived Classes
Constructor and Destructor Calls
Overview of Polymorphism
Input and Output in C++ Programs
Standard Streams
Unformatted Input and Output
File Input and Output
Inheritance and Exceptions
Exception Hierarchies
Inside an Exception Handler
Template Overview
Customizing a Templated Method
Standard Template Library Containers
Tally Solutions Ltd is a financial accounting software that is currently used in 88 countries beyond its native India, including the United Kingdom, and the Middle East.
The Training Courses for Tally covers right from the Basics (principles of accounting, types of accounts, to the Most Advance features of Tally (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Vouchers, ETC). All the tutorials, lessons for Tally are supplemented with proper assignments and projects which are monitored by us.
Module 1: Introduction to Financial Accounting |
Module 2: Financial Accounting Basics |
- Company Creation
- Accounts Configuration
- Accounts Classification
- Accounts Master Creations
- Voucher Types and Classes
- Accounts Vouchers
Module 3: Financial Accounting Advanced |
- Final Accounts
- Bank Reconciliation Statement
Module 4: Inventory |
- Introduction to Inventory
- Stock Groups
- Stock Categories
- Stock Item
- Reorder Levels
- Locations / Go downs
- Units of Measure
- Price List
- Tariff classification
- Dealer Excise opening stock
- Pure Inventory Voucher
- Entry of Pure Inventory Voucher
- Bill of Material
- Purchase and Sales Order
- Invoice Entry
- Foreign Exchange Transactions
Module 5: Business Management |
- New Year Books
- MIS Reports
- Budget Management
- Scenario Management
Module 6: Document Printing |
- Printing
- Printing Configuration for Vouchers
- Printing Reports
- Printing of Inventory Reports
Module 7: Software Maintenance & Upgrades |
- Upgrades
- Data Maintenance
- Import & Export of Data
- Security
Module 8: TDS |
- Introduction to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
- TDS in Tally
- TDS Masters
- Vouchers / Transactions
- Advance to a Party
- TDS Reports
- TDS Return
- TDS E-Return
- TDS Outstandings
- Exception Report
Module 9: VAT – Value Added Tax |
- Introduction to VAT
- VAT Masters
- Vouchers and Transactions
- VAT on MRP
- VAT Computation
Module 10: Service Tax |
- Introduction to Service Tax
- Service Tax in Tally
- Creating Masters
- Voucher Creations
- Service Tax Reports
Module 11: Introduction to Payroll |
- Introduction to Payroll
- Payroll
- Payroll Information
- Employee Group
- Employee
- Salary Details
- Units
- Attendance / Production Type
- Voucher Types in Pay Roll
Module 12: Introduction to Excise for Manufactures |
- Introduction to Excise for Manufactures
- Type of Excise Duty
- Excise for Manufacturers in Tally.ERP9
Module 13: Introduction to Excise for Dealers |
- Introduction to Excise for Dealers
- Type of Excise Duty
- Excise for Dealers in Tally.ERP9