
Web 2.0 Development


The static nature of web has changed over the past some years and the era of web 2.0 has announced the arrival of collaborative and social web applications, Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and web portals which facilitate information sharing and collaboration.
Vinfotech web 2.0 programmers carry an ever expanding portfolio of technical abilities and proficiency which encompasses all the latest Internet development technologies, meeting an ever growing need of our clients. Our vast experience enables us to understand complex business logic and develop innovative web development solutions for it.
Web 2.0 Development is done using technologies like AJAX, jQuery etc. For better interaction, usability and for increasing speed, we use asynchronous data transfer between the server and the client. Our team is capable of creating widgets, social networking websites, blogs, wikis and Intranets using web 2.0 development methodologies and corresponding server implementations using server side languages like PHP, Ruby on Rails, .NET.

Web 2.0 is an outcome of an open source community efforts to emerge as a new business trend where business can take a new shape for all its users. It is a term coined by O'Reilly Media Vice President Dale Dougherty to emphasis a post-dot-com generation of sites and services that use the web as a platform.

It is a new technology approach: after software undergo development cycle, user need not wait for upgrade or new version release ot for installation of software for using the software as this is quite a lengthy process. New development paradigm has refined the overall process letting users to benefit from software continuously being refined.
Web 2.0 development services

Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services - such as social-networking sites, and folksonomies - which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users.
From user point of view, Web 2.0 is often regarded as participatory Web compared to Web 1.0 which is considered Web-as-information-source. Web 2.0 websites have been made by Ajax programmers allow the user to do more than just retrieve information. They can provide "Network as platform" computing, allowing users to run software applications entirely through a browser. Web 2.0 applications allow customers to cooperate in methods never before possible. Web 2.0 programming services and Ajax development may provide more opportunities for customers.
Web 2.0 sites often feature a rich, user-friendly interface, handy Ajax applications created by Ajax developers, Flex or similar rich media. The sites with Ajax programming may also have social-networking aspects. Ask our Ajax consultants for more information about this technology
Softage has wide experience in Web 2.0 software development, Ajax web development and Ajax consulting. Our experts have delivered social networking solutions and Ajax-based rich media projects
In 2010 Softage has added new offerings to its web development services
- C#.NET web applications development based on mojoPortal solution.
- Java web applications development based on Liferay Portal solution.


Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services - such as social-networking sites, and folksonomies - which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users.
From user point of view, Web 2.0 is often regarded as participatory Web compared to Web 1.0 which is considered Web-as-information-source. Web 2.0 websites have been made by Ajax programmers allow the user to do more than just retrieve information. They can provide "Network as platform" computing, allowing users to run software applications entirely through a browser. Web 2.0 applications allow customers to cooperate in methods never before possible. Web 2.0 programming services and Ajax development may provide more opportunities for customers.
Web 2.0 sites often feature a rich, user-friendly interface, handy Ajax applications created by Ajax developers, Flex or similar rich media. The sites with Ajax programming may also have social-networking aspects. Ask our Ajax consultants for more information about this technology
Softage has wide experience in Web 2.0 software development, Ajax web development and Ajax consulting. Our experts have delivered social networking solutions and Ajax-based rich media projects
In 2010 Softage has added new offerings to its web development services
- C#.NET web applications development based on mojoPortal solution.
- Java web applications development based on Portal solution.

Our Web 2.0 methodologies provide following benefits:

Web Development Services Web 2.0 has provided us with new user interface to think differently and uniquely for each client ( from layout, to design and finally marketing sales).
Outsource Web Development We carefully test web 2.0 before taking it for any of our client which helps to build community sites
Web Site Designing We can further simplify your website design using CSS. We can change its appearance as per your choice, making it more appealing and reducing the time taken to load a page, ultimately usability and visibility of the webpage is improved.
Outsource Website Development We provide high traffic with good return on investment
Web Site Designing Our iterative development approach supports rapid release software cycles
Web Development Company, Web Development Services Our developers can add or get data using this web service.We use open source social software where our users can promote self-service advertising

Web Site Designing Security of information and core competencies remain our biggest concern

Web Site Designing We provide you with more easier integration of information as network come closer

web application development India Blog publishing has become more easier and flexible with Drupal, PHP and other open source technologies that we deploy

custom website development India Forums help to find theme based, like-minded people and organization

web application development India Tagging features with the sites help you organize, maintain, and find sites easily

custom website development India We also provide simple navigation structure, site maps and RSS syndication (RSS feed), XML generator for latest content updates and that help you to subscribe to relevant content

web application development India Development India professionals possess skills to utilize web 2.0 methodologies for comprehensive business solutions with fault-tolerance operational base.



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